Class of 2012, no time like the present.


Temperatures are rising, the grass is greening, the trees are budding. You have no excuse not to call us at 651-426-0232 to schedule your Senior Portrait session! We’ll have images ready for you in about one day, and can turn orders quickly as the end of the school year rapidly approaches.

Parents, don’t forget we specialize in Custom Open House Invites to set the perfect tone for your party!

Visit our website at for examples.

And it was good…


There are many things that I am grateful for in my life.  I am blessed with an amazing family, and am surrounded by great friends and business associates.  While life behind the camera keeps me busy (especially when added to family time, church activities and projects outside the camera room), I am resolved to force myself to photograph things, for fun.

The Aurora (Northern Lights) displays are an amazing display of God’s handiwork in nature.  The good news for me, is that 12:00am – about 2:30am are usually the best times to photograph the Aurora activity, at least in Minnesota in late winter.  This image was captured about 2:00am last week on a cold, full moon night.  We had to travel about an hour away from the light pollution of the city.  The full moon created a unique challenge technically, but delivered some really cool results.

Taking time to capture the beauty of creation is important to keep me sharp and creative when doing client work in, and outside of the studio.  Give me a call anytime at 651-253-8946 to discuss your next photo need, or to chat about your photography.  Leave it to Picture Place to capture the Milestones and Memories of your life, at a price you’ll love!

Planning the perfect Grad Party

You’ve had about 18 years to prepare for the moment your kid graduates from high school. How is it that putting all the details together for a Graduation Open House can seem so daunting?   Well, you are not alone, and we’re here to help.

Once you get the date and times set (and decide whether the party will be in your paper lined garage, or in your home or backyard (providing a perfect excuse to update a few things…) it’s time to get serious about the look and feel of the party.

Picture Place creates custom Open House Announcements that are spectacular.  We’ll use any combination of images we have created, or you have from any part of the student’s life.  As long as it’s your picture, or you have a copyright release, we can incorporate any picture(s) into your design.   It’s up to you to decide how much school branding and color scheme you desire.  Our in-house artists love working on these, and no two are the same!

We all know pictures play as big a role, if not bigger at the party itself than anything else. When putting your picture table or displays together, you’ll be glad to know that we have archived several years worth of sports team, and dance/activity pictures on our website! So if you can’t find Bobbie’s 10th grade football picture, go online and find your photos!

The best news is, Grad Announcements are 10% off this month!  The 10% off applies to both the custom design fee and the cost of the cards (minimum 50).  We are also running a month long online sale of 10% on all online orders (perfect if you need to order that 10th grade football picture!).

To view some samples of grad announcements to get you started, visit

Give us a call for additional information, we’re here to help!

Picture Place Photography 651-426-0232